Hello Girls!

I’ve talked about the affordable make up brand named Focallure earlier, I nak share lagi two of the palettes that I owned. This palette doesn’t have a specific name, it comes in 9 colors, Cuma ada code number palette -01-, -02-, -03-, -04-, and -05-.

I ada palette -03- & -05-

Okay, this one below is PALETTE -03-

No 1 – matte
No 2–  glittery
No 3 – matte
No 4 – matte
No 5 – glittery
No 6 – matte
No 7 – A little shimmery but not too shimmery
No 8 – matte
No 9 – glittery

Color swatches of this palette:


Left side is with natural lighting, right side is in a dark room with lights on.

To me, the light matte colors (no 1 & 4) are not really showing on my skin because I have a medium skin tone but the rest are still good. Especially the glittery ones! OMG I mean look at no 9 and no 5 girls!!! Before I forgot! Sorry!! The price for this palette is RM 10.70. I got is from Shopee that the link to it if you feel like tryin’ it out.

Next one would be my Favourite pallete from Focallure that I owned ( ada 3 je pun, hihi.I cheap skate sikit benda benda macam ni. I wanna look good, I nak make up make up jugak but I still tak nak spend too much money on it, cause when you’re a mom, your priorities go to your family, when I was young I used to dream of having all these high end make ups, but bila dah ada family ni, I macam… meh, just use whatever that doesn’t irritate my skin and still look good and paling penting AFFORDABLE!! Cuma skin care I spend a lil more but make up tak sangat).

Palette macam tadi jugak 9 colors, yang ni Palette -05- code dia.

No 2,5,7 & 8 are all glittery. No 1,3,4,6, & 9 are matte.

Here are the swatches

     Left side under natural light, right side in a dark room with lights on.

The rest of the palette I do use them but not as often as this one. And the clear selfies that I could find to show you the result is this one.sebab I jarang selfie, kalau ambil gambar jauh you cant see my eyeshadows pun. But if I have more selfies with the other palette I’ll share it with you people taw!

This picture I pakai number 4 as the base color or transition color eh orang panggil? Then number 1 & 4 on the outer corner of my eyes, and on top of that, on the middle part of my lid I put on number 8 the glitter tu.

I would totally recommend Focallure for beginners yang baru nak try make up, practice dulu on cheaper palettes baru beli yang high end punya, and I even recommend it to anyone who wants to put a make up on but doesn’t wanna spend so much money on make ups. I personally don’t wear eyeshadows on a daily basis, I only pakai to weddings, during my travels, or when Im goin’ out for dinner and I rajin pastu nak rasa fancy schmancy sikit. So far I have no allergic reaction to this brand. Though it is made in China (not implying I don’t like China made brands, just that people get a bit sceptical when they see this), it is still quite good of a brand I think? Sebab I ada busher dia pun okay je jugak. But the lipsticks,foundation is a big NO NO for me. I have really dry lips,so for my lips I memang picky sikit kalu nak pakai lipstick apa,I’ll share with you in my other entry taw pasal my lip products (from skin care to lipsticks). Okay girls! Have a lovely day! Byebye!!!

P.S. Video below ni contoh Review Product Focallure


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