Hello again angels! 

Have you ever heard of fluorosis or are you suffering from it?? I’ve had fluorosis since my first permanent tooth I guess...?? Its as long as I can remember. Some of the kids in my primary school teased me for having that ‘unattractive’ looking teeth (they even asked me to paint my teeth with white paint. Huh, imagine how that has made me feel growing up. My confidence level literally jumped of a cliff😅) 

This is the definition I got off the Internet

 Fluorosis is a cosmetic condition that affects the teeth. It's caused by overexposure to fluoride during the first eight years of life. This is the time when most permanent teeth are being formed. After the teeth come in, the teeth of those affected by fluorosis may appear mildly discolored

So basically this is how my teeth look like 

It has this some sort of white patches all over my teeth that looks super unappealing. I’ve been to so many dental clinics and ALL of them suggested porcelain veneer. 3 major reasons that I don’t want to go for veneer

1) costly (cost about RM 800 and above per tooth) 6 teeth would’ve cost me almost 5 grand or more
2) need maintenance (you can’t chew too hard or it’ll break and you gotta re-do it) & correct me if Im wrong, but you gotta re-do the veneers every 4-5years??... maybe.. Then again, out of my budget 
3) According to the dentist from KLINIK PERGIGIAN KHENG, veneers would make my teeth bulge out 'jongang' because of the extra layer of veneers on top of my teeth. I'm not jongang in general but adding veneer would make me look like it,she says. Not everyone is suitable for any treatment that you think you want, always ALWAYS consult the expert!!

So, one day I decided to have my scaling & whitening done at KLINIK PERGIGIAN KHENG. The dentist (I forgot her name but she’s super pretty and super nice!) told me that I could not get my whitening done because somehow that would accentuate my condition. She told me that I'm pretty (thanks for saying this doctor,coming from someone as pretty as you...ahhhh,terharu :') ), and she felt bad for my teeth, so she suggested me to go for ICON treatment. She was so nice and she doesn’t force me to do the treatment AT ALL. After scaling she asked me to google what ICON treatment is, decide if this is something that I want and can I afford it and all. She explained that only after ICON treatment, I could get my teeth whitening done. The cost for one tooth is ranging from RM200- RM250. 

I came back to the clinic after a month because they had to order the gel first. Went there on October 30th 2020. Another doctor was treating me this time because he’s the ICON treatment expert in the clinic. Again, super nice dentist! I really recommend this dental clinic to people. The dentist’s name is DR.LIM. He explained to me the cause of fluorosis is because of too much fluoride. Probably I drank too much water(where the fluoride content of the water in my housing area is high) or because I swallowed too much toothpaste previously. I think maybe the first one cause I really do drink A LOT since I was small. My other siblings don’t drink as much as me though, maybe that’s why their teeth are okay? Anyhoo, I did 6 teeth altogether and they charged me RM1200 (RM200 per tooth). 

This is before I start my treatment

Okay now lets go through ICON TREATMENT A LIL BIT SHALL WE?

1)First, the dentist uses micro-abrasion to expose the tubules of the tooth. Then, applies an etching material to the tooth multiple times. These steps will ensure that the resin, which is responsible for the color correction, is able to properly soak into the tooth.

2)Dentist keeps the tooth dry while applying a special resin. The resin infiltrates the lesion and soaks into the tooth. It forms a bond with the tooth’s structure.

3)The dentist removes the extra resin, then uses a light to harden the portion of it that remains in the teeth.


4)Then, polishes the teeth to complete the new look. After treatment, your teeth should have a significantly more uniform appearance than they did before.
  • *From beginning to end, an Icon treatment may last around one hour*
  • (Now I can have my whitening treatment! But only for that 6 teeth,hehe)
Here’s a link for you to watch a video to understand more


Icon’s most outstanding benefits include:

  • -It is painless, and there are no needles involved.

  • -Icon saves as much healthy tooth structure as possible.

  • -Icon is suitable for children. In fact, it is an appropriate treatment for most individuals who have white spots on their teeth due to fluorosis, orthodontia, and other factors.
  • Icon is less expensive than alternative treatments, including porcelain veneers.

  • -The results of the treatment may last for a few years before you need to come in for a touchup. (Im not so sure about this one but based on the dentist’s experience he had patients who have done this 6 years ago and still doing okay, no need touch up whatsoever.

  • -Untreated fluorosis usually look worse after traditional teeth whitening treatments. Icon-treated teeth on the other hand, let you take full advantage of whitening treatments.

Okay soo, it appears to be slightly yellowish, BUT! The color is even and I felt better about my appearance. (Did the treatment on my 6 upper teeth)

I wanna share one more thing that I think it’s important for you to know before undergoing this treatment.

My gum feels awful after this treatment 😢
Probably because of the gel and the endless ‘scrubbing’ 
But it heals after 2-3 weeks. Imma show you what happened to my gum a day after

It turned some kinda greyish, and when I brushed my teeth, the gum keeps coming off.

Day -2



It gets a lil more painful as you can see, my gum kinda wounded. But don’t worry. It gets better day by day. After 2-3 weeks my gums are totally fine and I don’t feel the ‘hole’ in between my teeth (due to gum shedding off) anymore. It felt normal again.

This is my BEFORE & AFTER picture.

Felt so so much better about my smile now. Im not saying I have the perfect set of teeth, c’mon, obviously NOT. But it did some changes that makes me so happy. 

I would stick to this dental clinic! I love the service, the consultation, the doctors, the treatment and the price. Here’s the address and phone number

1st Floor, No. 138, Jalan Tun H S Lee, City Centre, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur (if you come here, it is easier to park in Central Market,and walk to the clinic)

011-2624 1182 (you can whatsapp to make an appointment)

Instagram : @klinikpergigiankheng

I hope you enjoy& learn something new on this post! Thanks for reading!
Mama Qaizer


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