Hi Peeps, today im going to share something amazing to your guys. Hint: Hilangkang jerawat😍😍

I SWEAR THIS THING WORKS LIKE MAGIC!!!! Okay, I am not the type who generally gets acne, Alhamdulillah for that, I sometimes do get big zits when Im on my menses but really really big ones only comes probably once a year or so. Other than that its just a tolerable zit size which goes away in 3-4 days once a month during my menses. And on other occasions, probably some purging when I add some new products to my skin care routine, but its not a big deal.

What I did when I have small zits or huge ones, I just put this oil on the spot where I do get zits/purging and it goes away like a day after that. For a really big zits yang takda mata, dalam seminggu jugak lah nak hilang. But OMG this is a really life saver whenever I ada jerawat/purging. It has a minty sensation when you apply it on, but that doesn’t bother me, I like that minty-fresh feels on ‘em skin, if you know what I mean. My skin is combination but more to the dry side, I only get oily on the T-zone when Im out under the sun, but on most days, my skin is on the dry side.

I AM NOT A CERTIFIED SKIN CONSULTANT or wtv, I am just sharing something that works so well on me. Oh and it retails around RM45 for 10ml, and RM67 for 20ml. Once I am finished with this bottle, I’d like to try a little even more pocket friendly tea tree oil, which is the Aiken punya tu. That one tak sampai RM20 pun. Imma share that one too when I get my hands on it, which probably will be a year from now(kot), cause I don’t think this will run out so soon, cause I only pakai occasionally, if my husband ada jerawat pun I suka apply this on his face (it works on him too, his skin type is combination to oily). Downside of this product is it’s a bit drying, so make sure to have a good hydration game goin’ on on your precious face.

Macam mana I apply? Drop it on my index finger and directly apply to my skin. You can use a Q-tip or cotton ball if you want, but it soaks up the product quite a lot, so I’d prefer going with my finger instead. I usually apply it after my moisturizer (am and pm skin care routine. But I also applied it after I’ve washed my face after wudhu’)I don’t suggest to put too many times like I did in a day cause its pretty drying, but I just wanna make sure my zits are germ-free(cause its has anti-bacterial property) and I want it to dry off fast.

Tea Tree Oil from Body Shop
Okay, I’ve decided to do a lil summary for those of you who doesn’t have the time to read through whats my take on this product. Here we go! (I do positive & negative thing to say about the product cause some people gets confused with the pros and cons sometimes)

Well, in the end it all depends on your skin jugak. for me, this product really effective. Maybe you guys should try 😄


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