
Showing posts from October, 2019


…….Reception Edition Hello earthlings!!! I wanna share my wedding experience, to be specific, my reception. This post will NOT INCLUDE the steps yang after pergi kursus kahwin what to do,HIV test ambil bila , yada yada yada. This post will be about my reception, I buat baju dekat mana, cake tempah kat mana ,tempat reception and stuff. I’ll include the Instgram name semua tu,so you guys can check them out. Have fun reading people! 😊 Please click below untuk setiap section: DEWAN KAHWIN   WEDDING DRESS & SHOES MAKE UP &HENNA PELAMIN & HAND BOUQUET  WEDDING CAKE & BRIDESMAIDS DRESS FOR RENT PHOTOBOOTH,DOORGIFT & PHOTOGRAPHE R


Photobooth pulak. Photobooth ni not really wajib ke apa, if you have extra budget kea pa boleh je nak ambil. It prints your picture instantly kan so senang lah your guest nak ambil gambar ada memory from your wedding. Your parents,family members,guests boleh ambil gambar as many as they want. I puas hati tengok ramai orang nak ambil gambar from the photobooth. Quality of the picture from our photobooth tu cantic, background pun okay, props banyak, and we choose color hitam and gold untuk design dekat   gambar tu. Nampak classy sikit. Hihi. Ig : whitebox_kl Doorgift. Haaa, this one selalu orang pening pening nak kasi apa. I actually kasi chocolate with my husband’s name   + my name printed on the chocolate bar wrapping paper. I am so sorry, I totally forgot who I orderd my chocolates from, yang I ingat pick up kat Serdang,rumah dia. Found it on facebook,sedap chocolate dia, satu chocolate bar tu RM0.90 je. But I have additional items in my doorgift bag, ad


Cake pulak sekarang. Cake ni not much I can talk about pun. I just search for a picture cake yang I nak, then tanya je boleh buat ke tak. I didn’t ask anyone else if im not wrong, I tanya from Instagram from this one baker,dia kata boleh, so okay, the deal is on. I don’t go fot 2 or 3 tier punya cake.  My cake was very very simple.seketui gitu je, cantic but tak bertingkat tak nak bazir sebab takut tak habis, tapiiii memang habis sebab cake tu sedap gila okay!! Haha. Masa honeymoon I texted my mom suruh simpan some of it sebab balik honeymoon nak makan. It was THAT GOOD. Ada options, what flavour you want, I ambil. Pick it up in USJ 4 Subang. Go check her out ig : @petitesyireen_customecakes. (I ambil package E) Baju bridesmaids haritu I tak beli pun, sewa je. But pakai masa nikah bukan during my reception. Baju tu I ambil from Kota Damansara,ambil dekat the owner’s house. Baju tu RM150 ada 8 helai. Sometimes diaorang ada promo 8 helai RM100. I pun d


Okay, moving on to pelamin. One of the bridezillas big concern kan? I don’t go for the fresh flowers pelamin ya, super mahal. This pelamin I ambil from the dewan. Lemme tell you one thing, dewan Felda would provide you with their pelamin, BUT……. Pelamin macam kecik and simple,and most of the designs macam urmmm I hate to say this but, from my point of view,the pelamin provided by then yang FREE memang tak cantik. Saja ke apa IDK, tapi diaorang ada je kasi gambar yang cantic cantic, but for you to choose pelamin yang cantic you have to add another RM3k… blerghhh, nonsense kan? What to do,you only kahwin once,so kalau you dah minat,you have to spend a lil bit on that lah kan.  Food,memang kena ambil form Felda lah D’saji punya. They will set up a date for you and your family (dalam 10 orang,so you could bring your partner,your parents,and future in laws) for food tasting. So far,I makan D’saji punya memang sedap lah. Never disappoint me.  Flower Bouqu


For make up, I mula mula memang rasa macam nak Ferrarossa / Syedewa . But Im on a budget, baru kerja a few months lepas habis belajar, so masa tu ta berani nak tanya pun how much the charges are untuk nikah and reception. I have not many experiences having my face as someone else’s canvas to paint on, I had my face done before, masa my husband’s brother’s wedding. (masa tu tak kahwin lagi lah). I like how she dolled me up, kening tak tebal macam Sin Chan ke apa. Nice je make up dia,harga pun I rasa okay. I call her Kak Anis, lepas make up tu jadi rapat sikit because she likes my wedding gown so she pinjam nak buat contoh.  Anyway, had my make up done thrice. Satu nikah, satu reception, then satu lagi make sekali lagi lepas solat zohor masa reception. Total harga for 3 make up sessions RM1600 Her ig : afidatulanis Oh yeah,I forgot to mention that I get a special discount for my hairdo bila make up dengan Kak Anis. It was a really nice and simple hairdo, I didn’t put on a tiara,


Alright, now baju, kasut and make up. So, I did go and try out a few dresses from a few bridal shops,to rent, I pergi yang dekat area section 7 shah alam tu. But……baju perempuan sahaja, sewa, RM3K. Mahal jugak lah, plus, most of the wedding gowns that I’ve tried are not really my type. My MIL belikan kain dekat Bandung, balik sini buat.  I’ve always had my eyes on Emma Wardrobe, pastu saja lah tanya harga jahit berapa, RM800 je!! 😊 whee im so happy, sebab nak sewa pun RM3K kan. But I added on a few stuff, beads, belt, veil semua, roughly dalam RM1400 macam tu lah. Ig : Emma Wardrobe Custom Made Wedding Dress Kasut I just bought ready-made punya, so so comfy (considering I am NOT a heels-wearing-person). Tu paling comfortable I can get(tips: if you tak biasa pakai heels,a few weeks sebelum wedding practice dekat rumah ya, tak nak you cause a scene,jatuh ke apa,hihi)  Kasut I bought it from Kate Mosella,in One Utama , you can have it custome made for you if you want


Just to be clear, I only had one-time reception taw. Because my husband and I dua-dua dari KL (tak lah betul betul KL, seorang Subang & seorang Ampang :P) . Alhamdulillah our parents agreed untuk buat sekali, senang lah save cost semua. Okay, untuk reception ni,yang penting nak kena rule out kan is how much is your budget? Budget untuk baju,make up,tempat, etc. First things first, of course you gonna wanna set a date with your partner. Kat Malaysia takda lah nak wedding in the fall bagai, setiap hari Okay not funny…haha, sorry.  If you’ve already decided on the date, you can try cari tempat. If you are having a wedding at home, senang lah date yang you and your partner agreed to,boleh je langsungkan on that date,but if you are havin’ it somewhere else,you have to call or jumpa the PIC yang jaga that place and tanya Tarikh mana kosong. Sometimes you dah plan on date A tapi tak available,seminggu sebelum or selepas baru ada,you can discuss with family lah kan maca